- Course Description
Students are introduced to the role of international marketing management in a market economy within the context of the modern organization to include an analysis of the global business environment and its impact on international marketing, including market segmentation, target market selection, product positioning, consumer behavior, product, pricing, distribution, and promotional strategies for a variety of products and services in the context of international marketing.
Prerequiaite: Priniciples of Marketing
- Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Apply the key terms, definitions, and concepts used in marketing with an international perspective.
Compare the value of developing global awareness vs. a local perspective in marketing.
Evaluate different cultural, political, and legal environments influencing international trade.
Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages Canadian products and services possess in international marketing in both emerging markets and mature markets.
Explain the impact of global and regional influences on products and services for consumers and businesses.
Apply basic internationally oriented marketing strategies (total product concept, pricing, place, and promotion).
Develop creative international market entry strategies.
Understand the importance of the Internet for global business.
Explain the differences in negotiating with marketing partners from different countries and the implications for the marketing strategies (4Ps).
- Teachnig Method
"1. At the beginning of each class, I will check attendance.
2. Please do not walk in and out during the class time
3. Telephone calls and SMS are strictly prohibited. In case of emergency, you can just ask my permission to do so outside.
4. If you miss a class, please take your responsibility in acquiring materials and catching up with your friends. Certainly, you can visit my office to ask for clarifications."
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Basic knowledge of Marketing
- Practical application of the course
- Reference