1. Course Description
    무역거래에 있어서는 국내의 상거래에 비하여 분쟁의 개연성이 높다. 경제규모가 확대되고 무역거래가 활발해지면 그것에 비례하여 클레임이 증가되는 것이 일반적인 추세이다. 우리 나라에서도 70년대 이후 무역거래의 증가로 클레임이 계속 증가되고 있다. 사실 무역클레임은 무역의 실천과정 중에 발행하는 일종의 병리현상이다. 이러한 질병을 사전에 예방하는 것이 가장 현명하다는 것은 두말할 나위가 없다. 따라서 국제상사중재론은 무역의 실천과정 중에 발생하는 분쟁을 예방하기 위한 무역계약과 분쟁발생 후의 해결방법을 연구해 보는 공부가 되겠다.
  2. Course Objectives
    This course aims to:1. Provide an understanding of the best principal method for resolving disputes between individuals, companies, and countries in connection with international trade and investment. 2. Equip students with an understanding of the basic rules guiding the arbitration process from start to finish. 3. Teach students the major sources of arbitration law of different countries and regions. 4. Give students an advanced knowledge of central aspects of international commercial arbitration. 5. Students could be able to identify legal matters regarding the aspects dealt with within the themes of the course. Learning Outcome: At the end of the Spring semester, the students will be able to obtain: a) a sound understanding of the leading international legal instruments used to regulate international commercial arbitration; b) affirm substantive and practical understanding of international commercial arbitration; c) developed written and oral skills, including the clear, succinct expression of ideas; developed research skills and techniques in the field of international commercial arbitration.
  3. Teachnig Method
    The Keimyung’s University academic and ethical policy will be implemented and followed particularly with attendance, submission of requirements, dishonesty and discipline No Laptop or electronic gadget during discussion and reporting.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Course requirements: In completion of the subject course, the students are required to: 1. Submit written output (quizzes, term paper, etc.) 2. Present assigned topic 3. Execute a Poster presentation about countries trading model and pattern.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Practical use of learning International commercial arbitration:  The practical use of learning International commercial arbitration is that the student could be able to understand the legal matters of global business. model being used in past, present and future trading. 1. This course will help students to familiarize the law of foreign investment and the pivotal role of arbitration both in resolving disputes and developing the law in that area. 2. Have acquired the practical skills and knowledge necessary to advise and represent parties in the arbitral process 3. Have the skills to analyze legal problems and offer solutions 4. In terms of attitudes, students should develop: o critical attitudes, which are necessary for “life-long learning”, o an attitude of open-mindedness and self-critical reflection with a view to self-improvement o sensibility towards the ethical dimensions of different aspects of the content of this course
  8. Reference