- Course Description
많은 학생들은 통계학을 왜 공부해야하는지 궁금해한다. 특히 “수학”이라는 단어에 위축감을 느끼는 학생일수록 통계학 수업에 매우 낮은 호감도를 보인다. 하지만 의사결정을 하거나 자신의 주장을 입증하는 데 필요한 객관적인 근거자료를 마련하는 데 있어 통계학은 필수이다. 특히 요즘과 같은 “초연결적 정보화시대”에 국제통상학을 포함한 상경 계열 전공자들이 경제적·경영적·사회적 통계 자료를 “해석”하고 스스로 “작성”하는 능력은 기본 중의 기본으로 요구되고 있다. 따라서 본 강의는 국제통상학 전공 학생들을 대상으로 경제적·경영적·사회적 통계 자료를 분석하고 이해하기 위한 기초 수준의 통계학 개념을 학습한다. 강의 제목은 “무역 통계”이지만 “무역”이라는 한정된 주제만으로 통계학 강의가 진행되지 않는다. 본 강의는 2학년 학생을 주요 대상으로 하는 저학년 대상 수업이기에, 기초 수준의 통계학 개념과 이론들을 최대한 친절하고 알기 쉽게 전달한다. 이론 전달 강의가 진행되는 중에, 필요에 따라 국제경제/금융/사회적 Data를 수집하여 엑셀 프로그램 및 R 프로그램을 활용하여 이론에서 배운 내용들을 확인하는 실무적 학습도 수행한다.
- Course Objectives
After taking this subject, students are expected to
(1) utilize summarizing and describing statistics on the basis of understanding diversity and nature of various statistics;
(2) improve their understanding of fundamentals of statistics;
(3) analyse and apply statistics in their daily life.
(4) globally competitive in their field of specialization
(5) expert in adapting to change in varied roles
Specifically expected learning outcomes are
(1) ability to understand and apply statistical analysis;
(2) logical thinking;
(3) creative and practice presentation skills;
(4) problem solving skills through teamwork.
(5) apply with mastery the following measures of descriptive statistics
a. measure of Central tendency
b. measure of Position
c. measure of variations
d. analysis of the Normal Curve
- Teachnig Method
The Keimyung University Academic and Ethical aspects of class ruling will govern the entire classroom management particularly with attendance, submission of requirements on time, dishonesty, integrity and competitive
educational advancement.
Students are encourage to attend classes regularly to cope up with academic requirements per se. Students are required to attend a scheduled academic counseling for follow up query, building rapport and guidance in relation with subject matters. However, students are welcome to set an appointment beyond scheduled time.
In order to best achieve the above mentioned learning outcomes the classes will have the following formats
(1) Lectures to learn theories and basics ;
(2) Tutorials (or practical classes) to drill the concept and theories learned during the lectures;
(3) Presentation requiring more practice participation;
(4) a research project to improve research skills and facilitate students students' self learning.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Students who intend to take this subject should be equipped with basic knowledge of Business Mathematics and Basic computer Microsoft office software.
Knowledge in MS-Excel is beneficial but is not a necessary requirement.
- Practical application of the course
Lectures on theories, tutorials and group project are immediately applicable to students' daily lives and especially at their future workplaces.
Their acquired knowledge of MS-Excel and statistical analytical skill are of high benefit to improving students' pragmatic skills and nature of study.
Fundamentals of statistics enable students in decision making in relation with interpretation of data and quick identification of solution to business problems.
Students can provide accurate measures and control standard treatment, which leads to quality assurance and consistency throughout the process.
- Reference