- Course Description
로크, 버클리, 흄의 고전적 경험론과 프레게, 러셀, 비트겐슈타인 등이 중심이 된 초기 분석철학 및 논리실증주의, 그리고 퍼스, 듀이, 제임스에서 시작되어 콰인, 퍼트남, 로티 등이 발전시킨 후기 분석철학을 다룬다. ‘언어적 전환’으로 대변되는 분석철학의 철학사적 의미를 고찰하고, 방법론적인 측면에서 장단점을 규명한다.
- Course Objectives
The course will help the students to understand "one half" of modern Western philosophy, since in addition to "continental philosophy" analytical philosophy became one of the two main stream schools of philosophy in the West. It is therefore important to understand what shapes this school of thought in order to understand better which ideas underlie contemporary "western" philosophy and thought. At the same time this class can serve as an introduction into how to do and argue in philosophy and it will help to familiarize the students with main problems and methods of contemporary philosophy.
- Teachnig Method
The rules of Keimyung University apply.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Reading and Listening in skill in English are helpful for this class. Summaries in Korean and help with the English language will be provided.
- Practical application of the course
The course will help the students to learn how to think clearly and deeply about foundational issues concerning knowledge and ethics and thus help the students to orient themselves in life. students to understand "one half" of modern Western philosophy, since in addition to "continental philosophy" analytical philosophy became one of the two main stream schools of philosophy in the West. It is therefore important to understand what shapes this school of thought in order to understand better which ideas underlie contemporary "western" philosophy and thought. At the same time this class can serve as an introduction into how to do and argue in philosophy and it will help to familiarize the students with main problems and methods of contemporary philosophy.
- Reference