1. Course Description
    사회문제의 정의, 기존의 이론들을 학습하고, 특정의 사회현상을 사회문제로 규정짓는 조건과 배경을 탐구하면서 대안이나 해결책이 쉽게 찾아지지 않는 원인을 분석한다. 즉, 기존의 알콜중독 등의 일탈행위나 사회병리현상, 범죄 등을 다루는 사회문제와 달리, 사회구조적으로 발생하는 사회문제에 보다 집중한다. 초반부의 강의에 이어 3-4 주에 걸쳐 수강생들의 팀별 연구 발표와 평가시간을 갖는다.
  2. Course Objectives
    A. Knowledge Objectives- Students will have knowledge of: 1. The historical development social welfare programs and the social work profession in dealing with contemporary social problems. 2. The types of social services provided, types of populations served, the service delivery system, and the roles of social workers. 3. The field of social work and the capacity to arrive at career decisions, and will transfer this information to future social work courses. 4. Different disciplinary approaches to understanding and analyzing a topic or theme. B. Values Objectives- Students will have an appreciation for: 1. The notions of the population at-risk, cultural diversity, as well as the role of the social work profession in promoting social and economic justice. 2. Understand varied dimensions of poverty, inequality, discrimination and their implications for social welfare policy. C. Skills Objectives- Students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate critical thinking capacities by exploring the varied dimensions of critical thinking and their application in any range of subjects related to social welfare. 2. Students will use skills and knowledge from one course to master materials in concurrent and subsequent courses. 3. Students will work collaboratively with other students
  3. Teachnig Method
    Come to class having read the material and be ready to discuss it. Be aware of both the substantive content of the discussion and the group process. Be respectful to your classmates & avoid ad hominem arguments. Follow the class discussion guidelines. Do your best to be proud of the effort you make. Contact me if you have any special needs. If you don’t understand, ask!
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
  8. Reference