1. Course Description
    본 교과목에서는 고대영국문학의 태동기에서부터, 중세와 르네상스, 신고전주의 시기를 거쳐, 19세기 낭만주의 시기와 빅토리아조 시기에 이르기까지의 영국 문학의 시대적, 사상적 배경 및 각 시기별로 문예사조의 변천 과정과 대표작가, 작품을 학습한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Our goal will be to acquire a grasp of the expanding canon of English literature by reading some of the established canonical masterpieces and texts that call our attention to their literary and historical significance.
  3. Teachnig Method
    This course will combine instructor ’ s lecture with students ’  presentations. This class will be taught in Korean. Students are also encouraged, but not required, to use English in class. As a team, they are required to give an in-class presentation of about three type-written pages in length. The details of this requirement, such as due date and topics, will be announced when the size of the class is determined. 영어로 강의 함
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Students are expected to have some degree of proficiency in English, especially in reading and listening.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students who are interested in the history of England and its cultural development will benefit from this course since it will discuss major English literary writings in terms of cultural and historical productions. This course is taught in English. 영어로 강의함
  8. Reference