1. Course Description
    조직을 구성하고 있는 개인, 집단 및 조직체 자체의 행동에 관한 개념, 이론 및 사례를 학습하며, 그 결과를 현실문제에 적용하는 응용력을 연마한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    1. List and define basic organizational behavior principles, and analyze how these influence behavior in the workplace. 2. Analyze individual human behavior in the workplace as influenced by personality, values, perceptions, and motivations. 3. Outline the elements of group behavior including group dynamics, communication, leadership, power & politics and conflict & negotiation. 4. Understand your own management style as it relates to influencing and managing behavior in the organization systems. 5. Enhance critical thinking and analysis skills through the use of management case studies, personal application papers and small group exercises. 6. Strengthen research, writing and presentation skills.
  3. Teachnig Method
    A. Laptops, phones, PDA’s, and similar electronic devices are prohibited in class. B. Attendance is expected and required. C. Students arrive on time. D. Students are fully prepared for each class. E. Written assignments are due on the date indicated unless prior approval has been granted. F. No extra-credit projects will be given. G. Students should also strive to be “professional” in their conduct. H. Integrity is important in the “real world” and the classroom alike. I. Cheating, Plagiarism, and Collusion J. Enhancing student learning K. You are responsible for all administrative announcements L. Be responsible to check your Email every day for class announcement/s
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    A. Class Participation B. Individual Activities C. Team Written Report and Team Presentation D. Exams
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    The concepts, principles, and frameworks advanced in this course apply to a wide range of organizations, from startups to corporations
  8. Reference