1. Course Description
    인간은 근본적으로 종교적인 존재이다. 따라서 종교와 분리된 인간의 해명은 불가능하다. 종교는 인간이 절대자에 대한 이념을 가지게 하고 자신의 유한성을 깨닫게 한다. 더 나아가서 인간은 자신의 한계를 초월하여 초월자와 관계 맺는 방식도 제시한다. 이를 위하여 종교철학은 인간의 존재 근원과 신과 인간의 관계, 그리고 인간과 자연의 관계를 탐구하고 해명하게 한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    The course will help us to look at religion and religious questions from a philosophical perspective. It will look at what philosophy can and what philosophy cannot contribute to religion, how to balance critical thinking and religious thinking. We will further learn how Western Christianity has been influenced by Western philosophy and vice versa.
  3. Teachnig Method
    The class will be taught in English. Help with English language (translations, summary, the use of dictionaries etc) will be given. Reading can be done in Korean.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    The student should have English listening and reading skills.
  7. Practical application of the course
    The course will help us to look at religion and religious questions from a philosophical perspective. It will look at what philosophy can and what philosophy cannot contribute to religion, how to balance critical thinking and religious thinking. We will further learn how Western Christianity has been influenced by Western philosophy and vice versa.
  8. Reference