- Course Description
세계화 및 국제화시대에 영어는 국제적 경제관계에서 아주 중요한 수단으로 사용되고 있다. 무역영어는 국제무역에서 일어나는 다양한 실무무역영어표현을 습득하게 하고 학생들로 하여금 무역, 통상의 기초부터 구체적인 실무에 이르기까지 다양한 표현을 다루게 한다. 또한 무역영어어휘 및 구사능력의 함양 및 자신의 의사를 적절하게 표현할 수 있도록 한다.
- Course Objectives
At the end of the semester, student will be able to:
(1) comprehend the importance of English communications in trading;
(2) recognize the basic and advance method in business communication;
(3) compose clear, concise and effective business correspondence that meets the goal of various rhetorical situations
(4) understand and apply a multi-stage writing process
(5) recognize the contribution of technology and media in transforming business communication environment
(6) construct and communicate in ethical ways
(7) understand and apply basic business etiquette to a variety of business professional situation
- Teachnig Method
The Keimyung University Academic and Ethical aspects of class ruling will govern the entire classroom management particularly with attendance, submission of requirements on time, dishonesty, integrity and competitive
educational advancement.
Students are encourage to attend classes regularly to cope up with academic requirements per se. Students are required to attend a scheduled academic counseling for follow up query, building rapport and guidance in relation with subject matters. However, students are welcome to set an appointment beyond scheduled time.
In order to best achieve the above mentioned learning outcomes the classes will have the following formats
(1) Lectures to learn theories and basics ;
(2) Tutorials (or practical classes) to drill the concept and theories learned during the lectures;
(3) Presentation requiring more practice participation;
(4) a research project to improve research skills and facilitate students students' self learning.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Students are required to submit Portfolio of their output. They will be graded according to the following:
(1) Written output
(2) Oral presentation
(3) Case Study
(4) Quizzes and Homeworks
- Practical application of the course
Studying the course will provide great extent of competitive advancement in international business interactions. Students will be able to communicate effectively to the foreign individual using the second tongue.
In addition, International business requires English communications. People communicate to plan products and services; hire; train and motivate workers; coordinate manufacturing and delivery; persuade customers to buy;
bill them for sale.
- Reference