- Course Description
주제별로 선정된 건축물에 대하여 계획도면과 실시설계도면 및 상세도의 표현능력을 배양하고, 설계 내용과 현장과의 연관성을 인지하게 하여 설계 결과물의 현장활용능력을 갖게한다. 또한 공학인증의 요구와 같이 구조, 설비, 시공 요소들을 반영하여 공학설계의 진행이 이루어지도록 한다.
- Course Objectives
To understand architectural design methods for various types of Architecture.
To understand design methods for group and personal concepts.
To understand different architectural languages and strategies.
To understand architectural engineering structures.
To understand architectural materials and construction.
To understand energy and building systems related to sustainability.
To be able to apply all this knowledge into complex projects developed in groups, from initial ideas to complete definition, using posters and physical models.
- Teachnig Method
Active participation will be requested; attendance will only be considered if there is active participation - working on the assignments in class, answering questions, making questions ...
While the class will taught in ENGLISH, just basic level for conversation in English is needed to communicate with the Professor. Students can write their materials in KOREAN.
1/3 of absence will consist of automatic failure of the course.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
건축공학설계(2) is highly suggested.
Basic skills in all the following design programs are needed: Sketch-up, CAD, Photoshop. (Suggested also Lumion, In-design, Revit).
- Practical application of the course
Understanding how to generate a design proposal development, which can be used in future classes and for working in design and construction companies after graduation.
This course results can be used for further development of the project during Capstone Design.
- Reference