- Course Description
생명의 특성, 세포, 에너지생성, 세포의 에너지획득에 대하여 학습하고, 개체군과 군집 및 생물의 다양성과 생태계를 이해하여 환경 속의 생물의 지위, 진화 그리고 미생물의 특성까지 폭넓게 생물의 기초를 확립한다. 그리하여 환경과 생물을 동시에 이해하고 환경문제 기술적용의 근간을 마련한다.
- Course Objectives
This course provides the fundamentals and connects of environmental Microbiology.
This course cover in detail all the specific implications from environmental Microbiology and their practical consequences of existence and their effect on environmental eco systems
Environmental impacts and applications of microbes in industrial technology.
- Teachnig Method
Students Should have more than 85% of the attendance.
If a student comes late by 3 times, it is considered as one absent.
The absence of the quiz exam cannot be reconsidered. However, in case of unavoidable circumstances (illness or injury), a separate evaluation shall be conducted.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Any student with a science background (preferably biology and chemistry) are most welcome.
- Practical application of the course
This course provides all the fundamental knowledge of basic microbiology required for the undergraduate students. This course details the structure and function of microbes and their practical applications in all the possible fields like, water, agricutltural, food industries.
Students will be mastered with the fundamentals of environmental scicence for their research and academic carrier.
- Reference