- Course Description
체육에 있어서의 스포츠의 본질 구명과 스포츠의 과학화 차원에서 스포츠 심리학의 위상, 개념, 기여내용 등을 알아보는데 목표를 둔다.
- Course Objectives
To understand the principles of sport & exercise psychology.
To learn how to apply sport & exercise psychology in the field.
- Teachnig Method
Classroom Etiquette
Punctuality is honored in the class. Students must be in the classroom on time. 15 minutes after the class starts would mean tardiness. 30 minutes would mean absence from the class.
Please do not hold conversations with classmates whenever the professor or another student is speaking.
Refrain from sending messages using your mobile phones or participating in other distractive behavior. Your undivided attention in class is a must. An atmosphere of mutual respect is in order. The professor reserves the right to request that you leave if you engage in any form of disrespectful conduct.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
English proficiency
Motivation to learn
- Practical application of the course
Can be applied in various areas in physical education such as athletic training, coaching, and teaching
- Reference