- Course Description
WTO출범 이후 경제전쟁이 시작되면서 세계화(Globalization)와 지역화(Localization)가 동시에 진행되고 있다. 부존자원이 빈약한 우리로서는 국내시장만으로 한계가 있기 때문에 우리기업도 다극체제로 전환해 주요 시장에서 토착화를 서둘러야 성장할 수 있다. 따라서 본 과정에서는 우리나라 기업의 세계화 전략으로서의 해외직접투자에 따른 제반 여건을 분석하고 전략적 대안을 제시하는데 중점을 둔다.
- Course Objectives
This course provides an in-depth understanding on global phenomena and relevant tools strategizing the business management. It aims to build students analytical skills, conduct research review and assess the impact of FDI in country's economy.
After the completion of the subject the students should be able to?
1. Discuss theories and concepts in FDI and interpret data related in the geographical segmentation of investments.
2. Assess the context and policies of specific countries FDI model and evaluate the motivations and strategies of MNEs for foreign expansion.
- Teachnig Method
The Keimyung University moral and academic rules and regulations will be followed throughout the learning period of the course.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Students must have taken any related International Business Management course.
Submission of Activity Sheet
Research content review
- Practical application of the course
FDI is an integral part of an open and effective international economic system and a major catalyst to national, regional and international development. Moreover, due to the impact of globalization to industries and markets, the organization and strategy of modern MNEs is becoming more complicated than traditional organizational models in their pure form. Students will be able to develop analytical critical skills with the impact of FDI on economic development and foreign expansion of business. The course could help students identify the opportunities and cautions on entering international market and industry.
- Reference