- Course Description
실용앙상블1의 심화과정으로 실용앙상블은대중음악퍼포먼스의기초테크닉을체계적인실습을통해학습하는과목이다. Pop,Funk,Jazz등다양한음악장르를다루고있으며각장르별가장중요하고근간을이루고있는부분에대한연구와실습을반복학습한다.
- Course Objectives
Detailed instruction of various genres of music
- Teachnig Method
Ensemble performance practice and instruction in the form of applied music bands
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
No prerequisite courses are required but only the applied music performance major students in the department of music production can take this course.
- Practical application of the course
Students' individual performance and ensemble performance instruction
- Reference