1. Course Description
    개인의 재능을 극대화하는 다양한 역할을 인지하고 책임을 맡을 수 있으며 설계팀 혹은 기타 다른 상황에서 일원으로 작업할 때 다른 학생들과 협력할 수 있도록 유도한다. 또한 구조에 관한 기초 이론과 다양한 구조 시스템을 이해하도록 지도한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    - To develop and cultivate the ability to understand and organize urban residential and communal space. - To develop design vocabulary for communities and express architectural ideas in Korean and English. - To cultivate the ability to gather, analyze and synthesize a variety of information and precedents related to urban living and activities, including the site and surrounding environment. - To cultivate the ability to identify natural and artificial characteristics of the site (sloped) and surroundings. - To develop and cultivate the ability to plan physical environments (buildings and exterior) for various users, including the elderly and disabled. - To critically response to programmatic, technical, and to the social and cultural context.
  3. Teachnig Method
    - Punctuality, discipline and appropriate behavior are considered as an integral part of the class. - Maintenance and organization of the provided classroom space is under the responsibility and attention of the students. - Student’s attendance in the studio during assigned times is mandatory. At least once a week, students must present their work progress. - Students must be prepared for discussions in English and express ideas and concepts through models, drawings, print-outs, photographs, sketches, etc. - Only print outs, sketches, drawings and models are permitted for desk critics. - 10% deduction from score will be applied if work is late for all assignments and pin-ups. - 10% deduction will be applied for incomplete submission. - Any plagiarized work will receive an “F” grade.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    - All students prepare A3 sized roll yellow paper and organize their ideas. Discussing the contents on a weekly basis. The final accumulation is reflected in the final evaluation. - Weekly, expressing ideas and concepts through drawing and models. Work is prepared and arranged in A3 and ready to discuss in English. - Model making materials (cutters, rulers, cardboards, pins, etc.) for work during studio hours. - At the end of the semester, submission of the project portfolio (A3), mid-term and final panel (800x1600), model photographs of the final model and CD with all project information. - Design theoretical data are distributed at all times (PDF).
  7. Practical application of the course
    SPC 09. Research and Analysis Ability to identify problems and propose appropriate solutions based on understanding of research and analysis methodologies of collected data from relevant precedents, theories, and social phenomena. SPC 10. Site Planning Ability to analyze and evaluate social context and environmental factors of the site and apply in site planning including exterior space design. SPC 11. Accessible Design Ability to design a building to meet the various requirements of all user groups including people with disabilities for their accessibility and safety.
  8. Reference