- Course Description
본 강좌는 국제건축학교육인증(KAAB/UIA)의 틀에 준하여 마련된 건축디자인 교육프로그램 중 여섯 번째 강좌이다. 교과목 내용은 도시적 맥락에서 건축물군의 계획방안, 건축물의 복합화 디자인 과정, 오픈 스페이스와 녹지공간의 조성을 포함한다.
- Course Objectives
- To understand buildings as part of an urban context and to design a building group that reflects it.
- To develop and cultivate the ability to gather, analyze and synthesize a variety of information and precedents related to urban planning and design, including social, cultural and legal aspects.
- To identify various urban and architectural uses and programs related to the site.
- To design a building group of mixed-use facilities that accommodates diversity and walkability.
- To develop suitable design and presentation techniques for indoor and outdoor spatial planning.
- To develop an urban design vocabulary and express architectural/urban ideas in Korean and English.
- To finalize the class with a comprehensive final presentation of the project proposal.
- Teachnig Method
- All classes are face-to-face. (Unforeseen changes will be announced in advance.)
- Punctuality, discipline and appropriate behavior are considered as an integral part of the class.
- Maintenance and organization of the provided classroom space is under the responsibility and attention of the students.
- Student’s attendance in the studio during assigned times is mandatory. At least once a week, students must present their work progress.
- Students must be prepared for discussions in English and express ideas and concepts through models, drawings, print-outs, photographs, sketches, etc.
- Only print outs, sketches, drawings and models are permitted for desk critics.
- 10% deduction from score will be applied if work is late for all assignments and pin-ups.
- 10% deduction will be applied for incomplete submission.
- Any plagiarized work will receive an “F” grade.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
SPC 10. Site Planning
Ability to analyze and evaluate social context and environmental factors of the site and apply in site planning including exterior space design.
SPC 15. Architecture and Urban Planning
Ability to understand the principles of urban planning, to critically assess existing urban plans and relevant issues to apply in architectural design.
- Practical application of the course
- Comprehensive development of an urban master plan with indoor/outdoor spatial planning
- Design of a building group of mixed-use facilities
- Site Planning with respect to diversity and walkability
- Architecture and urban planning
- Reference