- Course Description
아동의 보건 및 위생에 과한 이론을 기반으로 건강, 안정, 영양을 지도하는데 필요한 교육내용과 교수방법을 학습하고 이를 현장에 적용해보는 실습을 한다.
- Course Objectives
Principle theoretical perspectives and orientations that shape our ideas and knowledge about the nature of child development.
Principle developmental landmarks and developmental tasks associated with growth and development during the first decade of life.
Principles of human motivation and behavior.
Knowledge of disabilities and their educational Implications.
Strategies which address the diverse needs of learners, and demonstrates multicultural sensitivity.
Using technology and a variety of instructional resources appropriately.
- Teachnig Method
The course will consist of lectures, discussion of cases, and in-class exercises. A variety of activities are expected: discussion questions, assignment problems, and participation in class exercises.
Discussion and participation is highly recommended for this course. If you DO NOT actively participate in discussion and debate activities, you CANNOT receive a A in this course.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Discussion and participation is highly recommended for this course. If you DO NOT actively participate in discussion and debate activities, you CANNOT receive a A in this course.
- Practical application of the course
This course is designed for future educators to work in partnerships with children and families to help ensure the safety and health of children in early childhood education classroom and environments.
- Reference