1. Course Description
    환경문제와 자원문제는 이 시대를 대표하는 문제이다. 환경변화에 의해 많은 생물종들이 절멸되고 있다. 생물종들은 그 자체로서 중요한 자원이다. 특히, 인구문제, 식량자원문제, 수자원문제, 에너지자원문제 등에 깊이 관련되어 있다. 자원생물학은 생물의 자원적 역할을 인식하고 주요한 자원생물문제에 대하여 해결 방안을 모색하고 미래의 세계를 전망해 봄으로써 환경과 생물자원에 대한 체계적이며, 포괄적인 접근을 시도한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    You will understand the following items at the end of this course, 1. The relationship between primary productivity in the ocean and the surrounding environments. 2. The variety of phytoplankton species and the dominance related to environmental changes. 3. The spatial distribution of primary productivity in the world ocean. 4. The technical terms of the biological oceanographic field in English and Korean.
  3. Teachnig Method
    *Flow of lectures* 1. I check students' attendance. 2. At the beginning of a lecture, we will check the new words in the handout together. 3. I will give the review quizzes from the contents of the last lecture. The questions are shown on the screen, and students answer personally. 4. Main talk 5. Summary & announcement *True False quizzes* The True False quizzes are given once after five or six lecture times (10 questions/time, four times in the semester). The time limit is about 20 - 30 minutes. After you submit the answer sheet, we check the answer together in Korean. *Class contribution* I give points to the positive actions of students. 1. Telling meanings of new terms on the screen. 2. Answering reviewing quizzes. 3. Answering the questions in English. 4. Asking something about the lecture. (visit my office / send an email, message, Kakao-talk) 5. Students who enrolled in this course from other colleges 6. No delay, No absence (except allowed absences by the university). *Summary videos* Since this course is given in English, some students may feel great difficulty following the classes. I will provide some summary videos in Korean for such students.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    This course will be held in English, and the distributed handouts are written in English also. You are suggested to check the contents and terms in the handout in advance.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students who attend this class will get the knowledge about the dynamics of oceanic primary productivity that is affected by global climate changes. At same time, you will learn the technical English terms in the biological oceanography field through reading hand-outs, listening the lectures and answering the quizzes.
  8. Reference