- Course Description
체육학의 하위 전공영역들에 대한 원서를 읽는데 필요한 기본적인 독해력과 어휘력을 향상시킴으로써 체육학 전공자로서 갖추어야 할 영어실력을 배양한다.
- Course Objectives
At the end of the semester, a student will be able to:
-Be familiar with English words related to the various disciplines in physical education and use it during classroom discussion and activities
-Have a basic knowledge about various disciplines in physical education, exercise and sport science
-Communicate through public speaking related to topics in physical education, exercise, or sport science
-Write a basic paper about physical education, exercise, or sport science
-Express their personal ideas/opinions about current topics in physical education
- Teachnig Method
Academic honesty is expected of all students
Students are expected to attend each class period and to be on time for
each class.
Students who arrive 10minutes after the start of the class means tardiness, 20 minutes means absence.
The course grade of those students who choose to consistently be absent or tardy will be negatively affected.
Text messaging during class time exemplifies rudeness and disrespect. Students who are caught text messaging will get point deductions from their participation grade.
Class participation can be any forms such as:
Asking relevant questions about the class topic
Providing other information that pertains to the topic being discussed
Joining in the discussion of ideas presented in the class
Participating actively in classroom activities
Submitting homework on time
Submitting paperwork done in class
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Motivation to learn English
- Practical application of the course
Skills learned from this course prepare the student to be more confident in taking higher level courses in English
- Reference