1. Course Description
    Course Description; How do we communicate and collaborate with other people and cultures in a global age? The world moves economically, technologically and culturally towards closer integration making our societies still more multicultural with all the challenges that follow when people with different world views and communicative styles suddenly have to live and work together. In this increasingly globalized world, the ability of governments, companies and individuals to be effective internationally has become a key ingredient for commercial, political and personal success. This course introduces a way of thinking that will enable students to function effectively in different culture. It presents essential concepts of national and global culture and examines key differences in communication, facilitating the correct interpretation of a wide variety of cross-cultural situations and laying the foundation for necessary behavioral adaptations. Other important topics include working effectively in multi-cultural teams, cross-cultural negotiations and international careers. The course puts a strong emphasis on practical applications in real world business and professional situations. Course Objectives; Upon the successful completion of this course students will be able to:  Exhibit a high degree of cultural intelligence  Proceed into careers in cross-cultural communication and international relations in international professional contexts.  Acquire a sharper understand of their own culture and how it impacts their behavior in a multicultural setting  Interpret behavior, attitudes and communication styles of people from different cultures  Deal with ambiguity in an ever-changing and unpredictable context due to the globalization of business/people  Exhibit a high degree of effectiveness when working in culturally diverse groups Acquire a higher level of International awareness (political geography, history, current events and cultural knowledge)
  2. Course Objectives
    1. Discuss basic concepts, conceptual frameworks, and some broader contexts of intercultural communication; 2. Analyze and discuss examples of cross-cultural conflicts in a variety of situations; 3. Develop an understanding of barriers to effective intercultural communication; 4. Develop intercultural sensitivity in terms of beliefs, values, and norms; and 5. Develop an understanding of intercultural competence.
  3. Teachnig Method
    - Plagiarism will result in zero grade points without exceptions. - Students will lose grade points for lateness, unexcused absence, failing to participate in class, exhibiting poor manners such as sleeping in class or using a cellphone to accept calls or send texts, failing to bring a textbook to class etc. This is an indicative, not exhaustive list. - Respect difference and diversity in the classroom. - Respect each other and the professor in the classroom. - All informed opinions and discussion points are welcome. - Ask for help from the professor if needed. - Ensure good manners are maintained during class at all times. - Deadline extensions are only granted in extreme cases such as sickness, death or emergency (all must be evidenced with proper documentation in accordance with university rules.) - If a student has a registered and recognized disability of any kind and requires learning support, please make an appointment with the professor to discuss further.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    This course will be assessed through written assignments, presentations and exams.
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
  8. Reference