- Course Description
Students are introduced to the critical issues, concepts and functions of human resource management. This includes such important areas as planning, staffing, training, career development, performance evaluation, promotion, compensation, discipline, termination, labor relations, merit increases, incentives and employment law for national and international employees.
Prerequisite: Principles of Management
- Course Objectives
The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the following topics:
The Environment of Human Resource Management
Training, Development, and Performance
Employee Relations
- Teachnig Method
Attendance will be checked. Those who come to class 5 minutes after the start of the class will be marked absent. A student with the absence of more than 1/3 of a total number of classes will automatically be marked failed. The attitude of the student inside the class, within the university, and with the group or team will be observed.
For class activities, it must be submitted within the time slated. Late submissions will not be honored. For those with an excused absence, the student must inform the professor within one week upon return to class in order to make up the missed activities if any.
- Textbook
- Assessment
The attendance of 15% is divided into two evaluation criteria
10% for attendance and
5% for attitude
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
Every business organization needs employees. HR is involved in establishing systems for performance development, career planning, and development. The presence of HRM will contribute to attaining success and sustaining business operations. It will keep the employees motivated to pursue the VMGO of the organization.
- Reference