1. Course Description
    다양한 분야의 영어 글들을 읽는데 필요한 기본적인 기술인 속독, 특정 정보 찾기, 추론 등을 익힘으로 효과적인 독해 방법을 학습한다. 더불어 내용의 논리적 전개 이해와 주 내용의 논리적 요약 등을 쓰기, 토론을 통해 연습한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    This class will focus on developing reading and critical thinking skills in English. Students will learn the differences between academic and non-academic texts, and will develop skills for understanding academic writing. Special emphasis will be given to learning and practicing reading strategies, strategies for critical analysis, and academic vocabulary development. The course is designed based on the revised educational curriculum.
  3. Teachnig Method
    During this class, students will work through the assigned readings, keeping a vocabulary notebook and a reading log. They will also take midterm and final exams. Students will also participate in a number of analyses and critical thinking activities in class. • Readings. Students must read according to the teacher’s instructions in class. All home readings should be completed before the day of the class. • Skills tests. Students will take skills tests throughout the semester. • Vocabulary Notebook/ Reading log Action learning: Students as a team are required to choose an English article related to the current issues discussed in class. They are responsible to study the article with the help of a professor. They are prepared to teach the article in class in a group. This will enable learners to actively participate in class and to be centered of the class. In addition, in this way, they will be able to contribute to the class.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    After completing this class, students will be able to • Understand the difference between academic and non-academic texts • use reading strategies to understand readings • find important information in readings • understand the writer’s purpose and perspective • think critically about readings and make predictions • control academic vocabulary learning through use of a vocabulary journal
  8. Reference