Course Objectives
1. How unsigned numbers are represented in binary.
2. Know how to convert numerical representations between different bases such as binary, octal
and hexadecimal.
3. Know the different ways in which signed numbers can be represented in binary – signed
magnitude, one’s complement and two’s complement.
4. Know the basic logic gates and appreciate how combinatorial logic circuits can be constructed
using these gates. Also, the student should be able to translate between logic gates diagram,
truth tables and Boolean expressions with little difficulty.
5. How binary arithmetic operations such as subtraction, division and multiplication can be
implemented through application.
6. How real numbers are represented in floating point.
7. The basic components of the Von-Neumann architecture (such as ALU, Control Unit and
Memory) and how they inter-operate, especially the fetch-decode-execute-writeback cycles.
8. How computer memory is implemented using flip-flop gates and how the memory is accessed
with address, control and data signals.
9. Assembly programming on the DAsm simulator platform.