1. Course Description
    In presenting the C programming language, this course serves as a foundation for all high level programming courses and projects. It provides the fundamentals in programming, including control flows (such as statement grouping, decision making, case selection, procedure iteration, and termination test) and basic data types (such as arrays, structures, and pointers). Additionally, it will discuss intensively the lexical convention, syntax notation, and semantics.
  2. Course Objectives
    CS120 is a class that introduces students to the C/C++ programming language with group assignments that change the groups each week. Basic programming skills that were learned in JavaScript are explained in terms of C++ and are explored deeper.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Attendance Attendance does not count as a percentage of a student’s overall grade. However, missing classes will have a direct impact on the final grade. Students with three unexcused absences will automatically receive a 10% penalty to their final grade. This penalty will increase by 2.5% for each additional unexcused absence. Note that students who are more than 15 minutes late for a class will be considered absent, and sleeping in class or two lates are equivalent to an absence. Students should notify the instructor in the event of a planned absence, they might be excused (especially if you send the email beforehand, but send one regardless). Attendance emails go to jonathan.holmes@digipen.edu with the subject line of “ABSENCE – GAM200– (한국어로) LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME – DATE OF ABSENCE - LAB” (or “LECTURE” or “LAB/LECTURE”). Emails requesting an excused absence that do not follow this format will be denied.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
  8. Reference