1. Course Description
    This class presents an overview of the way the game development industry works and a history of game development. It will expose students to the positions and job responsibilities that each member of a game development team has along with the industry requirements for the creation of a game design document (GDD) and a technical design document (TDD). Over the course of the semester, the instructor will organize students into teams responsible for designing and developing text-based games, complete with a functional GDD and TDD, schedule, and milestones. Additionally, each student will create individual games using the ProjectFUN game development environment created by DigiPen. Games created via ProjectFUN will be graphical in nature, serving to enhance the student’s retention of C/C++ coding techniques and math functions taught in the first semester CS and MAT classes.
  2. Course Objectives
    Upon successful completion of the course, students should have achieved a basic, foundational knowledge of the following: Game Design Documents (GDD) Technical Specification Document Game mechanics and gameplay Game production cycle Game marketing (packaging, screenshots, videos) Teamwork and team roles
  3. Teachnig Method
    Attendance Attendance does not count as a percentage of a student’s overall grade. However, missing classes will have a direct impact on the final grade. Students with three unexcused absences will automatically receive a 10% penalty to their final grade. This penalty will increase by 2.5% for each additional unexcused absence. Note that students who are more than 15 minutes late for a class will be considered absent, and sleeping in class or two lates are equivalent to an absence. Students should notify the instructor in the event of a planned absence, they might be excused (especially if you send the email beforehand, but send one regardless). Attendance emails go to with the subject line of “ABSENCE – GAM200– (한국어로) LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME – DATE OF ABSENCE - LAB” (or “LECTURE” or “LAB/LECTURE”). Emails requesting an excused absence that do not follow this format will be denied.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
  8. Reference