1. Course Description
    This course presents game implementation techniques and engine architecture. Students will investigate foundational concepts of game architecture, such as game-system component separation and game flow, while learning about essential elements such as the game state manager, input/output handler, and frame rate controller. CS 230 introduces Windows programming, state machines, and collision detection algorithms, which students will integrate into their own remakes of classic games. As part of their implementation, students will create and expand their own collision, vector, and matrix libraries, enabling them to incorporate basic physics engines. Students will survey concepts in space partitioning, particle systems, map editors, and other elements as a bridge to more advanced concepts in implementation techniques and engine architecture.
  2. Course Objectives
    Create your own game engine, continually updating it each week with new and exciting features.
  3. Teachnig Method
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    GAM150, CS120
  7. Practical application of the course
    Learn foundations of simulations and game programming Ability to design and implement a simple 2D engine with the following concepts: Logging Frame Rates Sprites and Animation Physics 2D Camera & Game Object Transformations Bitmap Fonts Collision AI Component-Based Game Architecture Game Design Patterns Continually learn more complex C/C++ techniques Create 2 basic games and 1 cool game that you design, yourself 😎
  8. Reference