1. Course Description
    Continuing with the teams to which they were assigned in GAM 100, each team will prepare a GDD and TDD for one team-based project. Teams will complete the approved game design according to the schedule they will establish in their technical design. They will present these completed games to the Institute during the final week of the semester. Additionally, each student will design and develop smaller projects using a variety of tools. These projects reinforce the game design and implementation curriculum.
  2. Course Objectives
    Utilize skills learned from CS170 and CS230 in order to create a fun project in a group setting. Your game should use the CS230 engine.
  3. Teachnig Method
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Milestone Presentations 20% Final Documentation 15% Final Project Submission 40% Project Post-Mortem 5% Weekly Team Status Reports 10% In-Class Exercises 5% Team Evaluations 5% Attendance 0 ~ -40 points Extra Credit 0 ~ +5 points
  6. Requiments
    GAM100, CS170, CS230
  7. Practical application of the course
    Teamwork: Communicate in a team setting to coordinate with others Independently and fairly resolve intragroup conflict Development Process: See the process from start-to-finish of a small project Plan out milestones and learn to prioritize tasks Learn more about vital development skills, such as: Research, documentation, playtesting, source control, gameplay design approaches, etc. Personal Growth: Exercise mixing and matching different aspects of programming in a way that allows some individuality and expression Familiarize yourself with the different roles in game development process
  8. Reference