1. Course Description
    This course presents fundamental mathematical elements, data structures, and algorithms useful for animating and viewing two dimensional primitives. The course aims to fulfill two objectives. The first objective is to provide students with a sufficient mathematical and algorithmic background to design and implement 2D graphics applications. The second objective is to prepare students with the knowledge required for writing three dimensional graphics applications. The first half of the course deals with scan-conversion algorithms for rasterizing 2D primitives such as lines, circles, ellipses, triangles, and arbitrary polygons. The second half of the course is concerned with the viewing and animation of these 2D primitives. The course covers topics such as interpolation techniques, transformations, culling, clipping, animation techniques, and the 2D viewing pipeline.
  2. Course Objectives
    While enrolled in this course, the student will be able to learn aspects of graphics APIs such as OpenGL, and use these APIs in their current game project course (GAM 200: Project I). After successfully completing this course, the student will be prepared for the next computer graphics course in the sequence (CS 250: Computer Graphics II). Specifically, students will be able to: • Obtain a detailed understanding of fundamental real-time 2D computer graphics algorithms with special emphasis on: • Linear Mathematics - Affine transformations including scale, rotation, translation • Windowing / Input (mouse and keyboard) • GPU Shaders • Shapes for the GPU • 2D Camera & Game Object Transformations • Image Rendering
  3. Teachnig Method
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    C++ via CS170 Linear Algebra via MAT140 DigiPen 학생이어야합니다. DigiPen 프로그램에 등록되어 있지 않으면이 수업을들을 수 없습니다. You must be a DigiPen student. If you are not in the DigiPen program then you will not be able to take this class.
  7. Practical application of the course
    One will be able to use OpenGL to use the GPU for graphics programming.
  8. Reference