- Course Description
The two main themes throughout the course are vector geometry and linear transformations. Topics from vector geometry include vector arithmetic, dot product, cross product, and representations of lines and planes in three-space. Linear transformations covered include rotations, reflections, shears and projections. Students will study the matrix representations of linear transformations along with their derivations. The curriculum also presents Affine geometry and affine transformations along with connections to computer graphics.
This course also includes a review of relevant algebra and trigonometry concepts.
- Course Objectives
Introducing linear algebra in general dimensions.
- Teachnig Method
1. Attendance is mandatory.
2. Class activities such as questioning, discussion, etc will be counted as participation points.
- Textbook
- Assessment
Class activities such as questioning, discussion, etc will be counted as participation points.
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
Linear algebra is used in many fields of mathematics, as well as in various subjects in the natural sciences, computer sciences, and social sciences.
Linear algebra is particularly used in game physics simulation, computer graphics, and artificial intelligence.
- Reference