1. Course Description
    This course examines the mathematical elements and algorithms used in the design and development of real-time three dimensional computer graphics applications such as games, cockpit simulators, and architectural walk-throughs. 3D computer graphics involve drawing pictures of 3D objects, usually on a 2D screen. This process of generating a 2D image of a 3D graphics application can be described as a series of distinct operations performed on a set of input data. Each operation generates results for the successive one. This process is called the graphics rendering pipeline, and it is the core of real-time computer graphics. The graphics pipeline can be conceptualized as consisting of three stages: application, transformation, and rasterization. The course begins by introducing the 3D graphics pipeline. The application stage is examined from the viewpoint of the representation, modeling, and animation of 3D objects. Topics considered include user interaction, camera animation techniques, simulation of dynamic objects, and collision detection techniques. Next, the course examines the process of mapping 3D graphic objects from model-space to viewport coordinates. The transformation stage implements this process. Finally, the conversion of a geometric primitive in viewport coordinates into a 2D image is studied. The rasterization stage implements this final process.
  2. Course Objectives
    Practice and become more familiar with GPU Shaders Create a simple 3D Scene
  3. Teachnig Method
    Academic Honesty Students are welcome to work together, ask the instructor for help, and consult alternate text books; however all work submitted must be the individual students own work. Any student found plagiarizing the work of others, or cheating on exams, will be given the grade F (0%) for the class. Attendance You get 2 free absences. For every lecture/lab that is missed after 2, you will lose one point from your final grade (e.g. a 90 becomes an 89). The only exceptions are if you notify me prior to your absence with a valid reason. (Sleeping, studying for another class, working on your game, etc., are not valid reasons for an absence.) Class participation will boost your grade if you are on the border. (e. g. It is possible to get an A with an overall average of 88.5%)
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Computer Graphics I (CS200) DigiPen 학생이어야합니다. DigiPen 프로그램에 등록되어 있지 않으면이 수업을들을 수 없습니다. You must be a DigiPen student. If you are not in the DigiPen program then you will not be able to take this class.
  7. Practical application of the course
    After completing this course, students will have a good understanding of the 3D graphics pipeline.
  8. Reference