1. Course Description
    This course examines the mathematical elements and algorithms used in the design and development of real-time three dimensional computer graphics applications such as games, cockpit simulators, and architectural walk-throughs. 3D computer graphics involve drawing pictures of 3D objects, usually on a 2D screen. This process of generating a 2D image of a 3D graphics application can be described as a series of distinct operations performed on a set of input data. Each operation generates results for the successive one. This process is called the graphics rendering pipeline, and it is the core of real-time computer graphics. The graphics pipeline can be conceptualized as consisting of three stages: application, transformation, and rasterization. The course begins by introducing the 3D graphics pipeline. The application stage is examined from the viewpoint of the representation, modeling, and animation of 3D objects. Topics considered include user interaction, camera animation techniques, simulation of dynamic objects, and collision detection techniques. Next, the course examines the process of mapping 3D graphic objects from model-space to viewport coordinates. The transformation stage implements this process. Finally, the conversion of a geometric primitive in viewport coordinates into a 2D image is studied. The rasterization stage implements this final process.
  2. Course Objectives
    From this course, students are going to learn about

    - Signal Processing, OpenGL shading and lighting, Texture mapping, Spline curve generation, Ray tracing
    - OpenGL Programming with FLTK

    을 배울 수 있다.
  3. Teachnig Method
    - Lecture
    - Mid/Final Exam
    - Programming assignments
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Pre-requisites are

    - Data structure
    - C/C++ programming
  7. Practical application of the course
    - Various applications using computer graphics techniques
  8. Reference