- Course Description
본교과목은 산문과 시 창작에 대한 전통적 그리고 현대적 이론들을 학생들에게 소개하는 것을 기본 목적으로 한다. 학생들은 선별된 단편과 시를 읽고 이들을 모델로 하여 자신의 창작적 글쓰기를 실행한다. 그리고 창작에 대한 동료들과의 상호 비평에 참가하고 교수와의 개인적 토론을 한다. 학생들은 학기말에 한편의 창작 단편(6-8쪽)과 4편의 시들을 포트폴리오로 제출한다.
- Course Objectives
1. Provide basic understanding of how literature is created in any language.
2. Develop creativity in both individual and group activities.
3. Develop individual English language skills by providing more exposure and experience with reading, writing, speaking and listening.
- Teachnig Method
1. Attendance is required; students will lose 1 point from the participation score for each absence over 2. Students are marked absent if they miss more than 15 minutes of any class period.
2. Students will be marked as "late" or "left early" if they miss 5-15 minutes of any class period. Two of these marks count as one absence.
3. Phones and laptops must be turned off and put away during all lectures. Using phones and/or laptops may be allowed during some group activities.
4. Academic dishonesty of any kind results in failure of the course.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
All lessons, materials and assignments in this class require intermediate-level English skills. Previous writing experience is helpful but not necessary.
- Practical application of the course
1. Understanding and appreciation of how literature is created.
2. Developing personal creativity.
3. Developing English language skills.
- Reference