- Course Description
건강상담과 교육의 기본이 되는 의사소통법의 기초이론과 설득방법, 그리고 행동실천 유도방법들에 대한 이론과 요소들을 학습한다. 바람직한 건강행동 실천에 필요한 지식, 태도, 기술, 행동변화를 교육적인 방법을 통해 유도하는 과정을 다룬다. 보건교육 프로그램에 활용될 수 있는 보건행동의 제 이론과 연구결과들을 고찰하여 인간의 보건행동에 영향을 미치는 사회, 심리학적인 요인들을 이해하고 적용을 시도해 본다.
- Course Objectives
1.Understand the role of communication and its affect in promoting and maintaining health and wellness for all individuals and theories of persuasion
2. Understand the challenges in communicating and assessing the needs of the community
3. Describe and assess the many factors that affect health literacy.
4. Understand the strategies to target various audiences during health communication campaigns
5. Developing written, oral, and graphical communication skills necessary for health communication campaigns
6. Identify and improve patients and provider’s communication by reducing barriers of effective communication between patients and providers.
- Teachnig Method
Please, follow KMU rules and regulations
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
No prerequisite
- Practical application of the course
Health communication is vital to public health programs and address disease prevention, health promotion, and quality of life. Furthermore, it contributes towards promoting and improving individuals, communities, as well as society’s health. While providing both theoretical and applied knowledge, this course provides students with comprehensive understanding of how to effectively design health communication messages, select media, and construct public health campaigns to persuade
people to change unhealthy behavior, reduce health risks, and prevent disease
- Reference