- Course Description
The meaning, assumption, concepts, roles and functions of marketing, marketing structure, process, segmentation, target markets, consumer behaviors, marketing mix, marketing research, and marketing environment.
- Course Objectives
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of marketing. Basic marketing concepts and elements of marketing practice are applied to marketing activities within Asia and the global economy. This course will introduce you to the principles of marketing and, through analyses of real-world marketing issues, will allow you to apply these concepts to address problems and opportunities facing Asian marketers, both domestically and internationally.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course students will be able to:
1. Understand the importance in business practice of being marketing oriented;
2. Evaluate market conditions and customers' needs when forming marketing strategies;
3. Describe a range of common strategies for use with each of the various Marketing mix tools: product, pricing, promotion, and distribution;
4. Recommend and justify an appropriate mix of such strategies to form a cohesive overall strategy to address given marketing tasks or situations; and
5. Use examples from current events and real-world marketing situations to apply, illustrate and discuss different marketing strategies.
- Teachnig Method
As outlined in the course timetable, this course uses face-to-face lectures and tutorials. Specific details will be given in the first lecture (week 1) and also will be available on CTL.
It is the student’s responsibility to attend all of their classes. If they miss a class meeting for any reason, students are responsible for all content that is covered, for announcements made in their absence, and for acquiring any materials that may have been distributed in class. It is expected that students be on time for all their classes. If students walk into a class after it has begun, it is expected that they choose a seat close to where they entered the room so that they do not disrupt the class meeting. Students are expected to follow ordinary rules of courtesy during class sessions. Engaging in private, side conversations during class time is distracting to other students and to the instructor. Leaving class
early without having informed the instructor prior to class is not appropriate. Unless there is an emergency, leaving class and returning while the class is in session is not acceptable behavior. The college welcomes all students into an environment that creates a sense of community of pride and respect; we are all here to work cooperatively and to learn together.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
- Reference