1. Course Description
    In this course, the student is introduced to the basic concepts of management and organizations. Primary emphasis is given to three primary functions: planning, organizing, and controlling. Additional topics include: organization theory, the global environment, ethics, and decision making.
  2. Course Objectives
    This is the introductory course in management. The course is designed to provide students with an overview of the management functions and its role in organizations and society. The course aims to provide students with the basic managerial knowledge necessary for Business students. The course focuses on providing students with analytical, developmental, managerial and technical skills that relate to managerial positions in organizations. This course is an introduction to the critical management skills involved in planning, organizing, controlling, leading and decision-making in an organization. It provides a framework for understanding issues involved in both managing and being managed, and it will help you to be a more effective contributor to organizations that you join. The course aims to provide students with the basic managerial knowledge necessary for Business student. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: A. Demonstrate theoretical knowledge in management course. B. Gain practical skills and personal attributes and competencies that is required for managerial position. C. Describe the four management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. D. Outline the historical evolution of management theories. E. Explain how d
  3. Teachnig Method
    There are few basic classroom rules and I request all the students to follow them. These rules are given below- 1. Ask questions 2. Respect and listen to your classmates 3. Respect and listen to the teacher 4. Raise your hand to speak 5. Be prepared for class 6. Be quiet when the teacher is talking 7. Be quiet when classmates are talking 8. Share new ideas 9. Be kind 10. Always do your best 11. Be a good friend 12. Be on time 13. Contribute to discussions, be creative, 14. Do not use smartphone for other than academic purposes ( no mobile games, kakao chat, etc)
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    The principles of management are important for running any business, large or small. These principles help managers to ensure that their organization is run efficiently, effectively, and in a way that maximizes profits. Some specific practical uses of the fundamentals of management course include: Developing and implementing strategies: Managers can use the principles of management to develop and implement strategies that help their organizations achieve their goals. Planning and organizing: Managers use the principles of management to plan and organize the activities of their organizations, including setting goals, allocating resources, and coordinating the work of different departments or teams. Leading and motivating employees: Managers use the principles of management to lead and motivate their teams to work together effectively and achieve results. Controlling and monitoring performance: Managers use the principles of management to monitor and control the performance of their organizations, including setting performance standards, measuring progress, and taking corrective action when necessary. Making decisions: Managers use the principles of management to make informed decisions that help their organizations achieve their goals.
  8. Reference