1. Course Description
    Students are introduced to the basic concepts and techniques of accounting including the accounting cycle and financial statement preparation. This includes an analysis of business transactions, their recorded changes in the five basic accounts (assets, liabilities, equities, revenues, and expenses) in the relevant journals and ledgers, and the preparation of the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.
  2. Course Objectives
    This course will teach the fundamentals of accounting. The students will learn how to analyze and record business transactions. This will be followed by learning how to prepare financial statements: statements of financial condition, income statements, and, statement of changes in equity. The course will conclude with learning on analyzing and interpreting financial reports.
  3. Teachnig Method
    "Attendance is expected in all classes. Attendance will be checked, in compliance with the KMU policy. It is the responsibility of the students to come on time. Students who can cause disruption, such as, but not limited to, coming to class late, will be asked to leave the classroom. Students who failed to attend the class but with valid reasons, like health conditions, will be considered excused only when they can present a valid medical certificate that they have been admitted to the clinic or hospital. The students who, in their capacities as officers or leaders of student councils or organizations, attended some school activities and events can be excused, but with proper authority from the college administration, otherwise, the professor will have the prerogative whether to consider the absence excused in compliance with the university policy. The university's academic policy on honesty will be strictly enforced. Students are responsible for familiarization with the policy and its adherence. Cheating will not be tolerated in class. Practical exercises must be submitted before the start of class. It must be submitted online. No late practical activities will be accepted after the topic has been discussed. Exercises will be given after discussion for the practical application of accounting theories. Students are required to present the answers to exercises online formal sheet of paper and be submitted with the name, student number, and the exercise number being solved. Examinations. There will be only one formal examination, the final examination. The coverage will be until the last topic discussed before the formal exam. Presentation.The students will be grouped and each group will be given a topic to conduct research on and will present the report in the poster. Report. Each student will present written report on the assigned topic assigned.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    "The attendance of 15 points is divided into two attendance 10 Counseling & attitude 5"
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    All business students should have basic knowledge of accounting. Responsibility and accountability are the concern of everyone either in business, in a group, or even in personal life. In daily life, whenever people do some budgeting or check on their financial status to make decisions to invest, buy things or properties, or calculate expenditures in the family, the use of accounting is prevalent. In the business world, accounting is the most basic framework in providing a link between the business and the environment outside the firm. The financial information derived from the accounting process shall be very relevant to the managers of the businesses for their critical decisions.
  8. Reference