1. Course Description
    Communication EnglishⅡ is designed to give students the vocabulary and fluency they need to effectively communicate in English on a variety of topics that come up in everyday life. Students will learn basic vocabulary and grammar forms and functions associated with different themes and then expand on these familiar patterns to create more advanced conversations. GoalsoftheCourse: - toincreaseusablevocabularyandexpressions - todevelopcommunicationstrategies - toincreasestudents'fluency - togivestudentstheconfidencetoholdacasualEnglishconversation
  2. Course Objectives
    In this class you will improve your English language speaking skills and confidence. This improvement involves practice with dialogue, dictation, role play, and presentation. It also involves engaging in useful English topics with related vocabulary and grammar. Class Goals: -To increase the participating student's ability to express themselves in English. -To increase the participating student's ability to give English presentations. -To increase the participating student's interest in discussing topics in English. -To have fun and build confidence in using English to communicate -To increase the participating student's ability to listen, read and write in English.
  3. Teachnig Method
    1. Show manners you would use with your grandparents! 2. Ask questions and ask for help! Help others! Be respectful of others, your professor and even yourself! 3. Students lose or gain grade points for doing different things - Things That Will Lose You Points: Littering = -1pt Sleeping = -2pts No Book Or Note Book = -1pt No Pen/Pencil = -1pt Excessive Korean Chatting = -1pt Eating Or Chewing Gum In Class = -1pt Things That Will Gain You Points: Do Homework/Preparation Exercise = +1pt Take Part In Class Activities = +1pt Do Well In Special Activities = +?pts
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    1. You will need to buy the textbook. You will need this for both class and in order to access the homework assignments. 2. You will need to bring something to write on and something to write with.
  7. Practical application of the course
    As English is now the de facto common language used around the world in business, engineering, or other communication situations between different groups of nationalities, this course should prove beneficial in both professional and leisure activities, whether the student needs to communicate with a foreign business partner or just order a meal in a restaurant. The student should also feel more comfortable using English or dealing with foreigners after completing this course.
  8. Reference