1. Course Description
    This course (for upper class KAC students) is designed to develop the research, analysis, writing skills, and also ethical awareness necessary to complete an academic thesis. Students will be expected to choose their topic, conduct appropriate research, and make significant progress in the writing of their final thesis.
  2. Course Objectives
    This course aims to support students in their individual goals, and in the goal of creating a thesis. It also offers the following common goals: - appreciate a well-rounded research list - analyze and synthesize ideas & facts from a number of sources - identify themes for research & exploration - recognize and distinguish the types of academic research and their applications - understand reliability and validity and their effect on research - understand the importance of literature reviews and familiarity with one's field of study - plan and organize a research list and appropriately synthesize research published by a variety of authors - seek and identify avenues of research that will increase knowledge l among others
  3. Teachnig Method
    Students attending this course will be required to act in a professional, respectful manner to their classmates, their instructor, and themselves, and take an earnest interest in their work. In addition, successful students typically do the following: - Submit assignments in a timely manner. [Any and all extensions must receive prior approval or penalties will be assessed: the assignment may not be accepted, and/or the final grade will be reduced.] - Avail themselves of the class website. - Show and accept responsibility for themselves, their work, and their actions. - Exhibit academic honesty, integrity, and originality. Plagiarism will be strongly punished. - Monitor their progress in the course, maintaining records of their assignment scores, attendance, and so on. - Participate positively in class, with an open mind and a receptive attitude. - Reflect on their work and use the insight gained to guide themselves in their progress. - Bring all required materials (and, drafts) to class. Feedback sessions and/or in-class writing time may be given in addition to scheduled feedback dates.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    This course is an excellent opportunity for discovering the topic you would like to write your thesis on, and making significant progress on completing the graduation thesis for KAC students. This course is not appropriate for non-KAC students.
  8. Reference