- Course Description
Discussion on the differences between the marketing of products and services; characteristics of services segmentation, positioning, and target market selection for service markets planning and developing of the services marketing mix.
Prerequisite: Principles of marketing
- Course Objectives
This course aims to prepare students to understand what services marketing is and to be critical consumers and managers in this field. This awareness and appreciation of services enable students to function as influential executives in a services market who can develop and implement sustainable and successful marketing strategies using various frameworks in understanding the customer, uncovering insights, and formulating innovations in service.
- Teachnig Method
This class is intended to be very interactive. Students are expected to participate and contribute to the class's success and in-class activities. The course facilitator will assess your level of participation at the end of the semester, which will count towards your final grade.
Major Examination
All students are to take special notice of the exam dates on this syllabus. No makeup exams will be given except in these cases: 1) a medical emergency involving yourself that requires the services of a medical professional; 2) death in your immediate family; 3) a serious illness that requires a visit to a doctor. You are responsible for contacting me before the exam or as soon as possible to inform me of the situation and to furnish proper documentation. Any electronic devices are prohibited during exams, including translation dictionaries. Should a dictionary be required, one will be provided for you.
Academic Integrity
The faculty in charge has a strict code of conduct regarding academic dishonesty. Dishonesty includes cheating and plagiarism; it may result in an “F” grade. Cheating includes but is not limited to giving unauthorized help during an examination, obtaining unauthorized information about an examination before it is administered, using inappropriate sources of information during an examination, altering answers after an examination has been submitted, and misrepresenting the facts to obtain exemptions from course requirements.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Basic communication skills in English, and computer skills, including the ability to create PowerPoint presentations or Prezi, communicate via email, and use the Internet.
Students should have taken Principles of Marketing.
- Practical application of the course
Develop students' awareness and appreciation of the ties between marketing, human resources, operations, and information technology.
- Reference