- Course Description
The main goal of this course is to introduce you to some of the most important ideas and research in the field of persuasion and social influence through the lens of social psychology. The course is primarily concerned with the social and psychological processes involved in persuading others and persuading yourself. You will learn to identify and analyze methods of persuasion used in interpersonal situations, business, advertising, and mass communication. Through in-class activities, we will try to apply these techniques and ideas to real-life situations. This course is appropriate for all students, regardless of major or background.
- Course Objectives
Introduction to the psychological principles and theories underlying persuasive communication.
Examination of the ways in which social influence, cognitive biases, and emotions affect the effectiveness of persuasive messages.
Evaluate the ethical implications of persuasion and the possibility of persuasion being used for nefarious purposes.
Examine the role of media, technology, and culture in shaping persuasive messages and their impact.
Develop critical thinking skills through the analysis and evaluation of persuasive messages and their implications.
Provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively create and deliver persuasive messages in a variety of contexts.
To help students understand how to apply psychological principles of persuasion to real-world problems and issues.
- Teachnig Method
The use of cell phones in class is prohibited unless it is for academic purposes.
Students are expected to be attentive, fully engaged, and actively participate in group and class discussions. Points will be deducted for distractions and inactivity during class. Approximately 30% of class time will be spent in group activities, which means you will be talking, discussing, and debating as a team. If you are not interested in class activities and discussions, this course is not for you.
In accordance with university policy, only university-approved excuses will be accepted for absences.
There will be a midterm and a final exam that all students must take. Each exam will cover half of the course and will be in English. The exams will consist of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
Instructions for the assignment will be posted on the CTL during the first week.
All important announcements and deadlines will be posted on the CTL. It is the student's responsibility to check the CTL regularly. However, do not use the CTL to communicate with me; instead, use my email address mjoshanloo@gmail.com to contact me.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
A course in the psychology of persuasion can help students improve their communication and leadership skills, understand and address social problems, create effective marketing and advertising strategies, and apply persuasion principles in a variety of settings. The course can provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively communicate and persuade others in a variety of contexts, including public speaking, writing, marketing, leadership, negotiation, and more.
- Reference