1. Course Description
    Students will develop an understanding of the Korean political system, culture, and institutions after 1945. They will also study a brief political history and significant changes since 1945. Political institutions, civil culture, regimes will be discussed throughout the course. Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Political Science
  2. Course Objectives
    1. Let students learn the political history of Korea and contemporary political institutions. 2. Provide students with a chance to study critical issues in Korean politics. 3. Important political theories related to Korean politics will be discussed. 4. Korean political process will be discussed. 5. Korean elections will be discussed.
  3. Teachnig Method
    The field research requires student interviews with eligible persons in the selected topic. Students will decide topics and do field research. The subjects follow as 1. Korean election, 2. political party 3. interest groups 4. NGO 5. local government 6. National Assembly 7. media 8. judiciary 9. Public Administration, 10. other issues approved. This is KGP facebook page. All should join. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1101550217956794 Media in Korea is so influential and very partial. It is important to know the difference in agenda-setting, framing, and priming in their message deliberation. Homework: post Korean government or politics related news articles by Friday night. Then Sunday, I will selected news articles . On Tuesday we will have a discussion session. Just like FPS class. ex) Links and comparison(two articles from different news outlets). We may discuss this in the class. There are three topics for the final paper. 1. Analysis of the national election 2. Ideologies in Korean politics 3. Political cleavages in Korean politics; gender, region, religion, generation 4. Korean media (traditional media and new media)
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    There is no midterm. I put the field research to midterm for there is no slot left. The due for the field research is the midterm week. The homework has two parts; 1)media comparison (every week) 15 points 2) team homework for Korean election history (5 points)
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
  8. Reference