- Course Description
Students will learn basic quantitative skills to analyze data, as well as its practical application. They will use the popular statistical package, SPSS. Through the course, students will learn descriptive statistics to analyze world affairs and general political-socio-economic theories. Students will subsequently be capable of using plots, graphs, and tables in their research paper.
Prerequisite: Probability & Statistics
- Course Objectives
Through the semester, students would mater basic and intermediate levels of SPSS. This course has three goals. First, students would practice SPSS and analyze their data easily. Second, the statistical method should be integrated into research topics students are doing in other classes. Third, students would learn how to write a research paper with quantitative method.
If you want to improve your job placement opportunity, you are strongly recommended to take this course.
- Teachnig Method
- At this moment, we will have two weeks of on-line classes. Your attendance will be checked on time. We will have interactive conference classes using zoom cloud meeting app. You can download and install it to your smartphone or pc. You have to check your video and audio.
For more details, join class page at facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/926001698758734
This is important. You are supposed to join the conference class on time. It will be a live lecture.
Students are supposed to practice SPSS, following instructor's instruction. I assume that students have no knowledge of SPSS program so that students would not have to worry about SPSS.
At the end of the semester, students will have a series of seminars. All students should present their academic papers. The paper should be written, using SPSS analytic framework.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Please help your classmates in the classroom.
<Probability and Statistics> is a prerequisite.
- Practical application of the course
- Reference