1. Course Description
    T 본 교과목은 건축설계의 초보적 입문단계의 교과과정이다. 건축설계의 도면 표시방법 및 창의적 설계를 위한 사고 및 표현방법에 대해 탐구한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    This course focuses on acquiring basic design skills required for architectural design, and establishes the following educational objectives: - Understanding of local identity through understanding and exploring traditional buildings. - Understanding of Daegu's urban space and modern architecture. - Understanding design through hands-on practice of basic elements (dot, line, plane). - Urban Folly development reflecting local identity. SPC 07. Architectural Communication Ability to express architectural ideas by design phases using diverse media such as oral, writing, sketch, drawing, model effectively chosen to different circumstances and audiences. (using English language in some design projects) SPC 08. Form and Spatial Organization Ability to understand the basic principles of 2D and 3D forms and design, architectural composition and to apply such principles to generate creative forms and spaces.
  3. Teachnig Method
    - Punctuality, discipline and appropriate behavior are considered as an integral part of the class. - Maintenance and organization of the provided classroom space is under the responsibility and attention of the students. - Student’s attendance in the studio during assigned times is mandatory. At least once a week, students must present their work progress. - Students must be prepared for discussions in English and express ideas and concepts through models, drawings, print-outs, photographs, sketches, etc. - Only print outs, sketches, drawings and models are permitted for desk critics. - 10% deduction from score will be applied if work is late for all assignments and pin-ups. - 10% deduction will be applied for incomplete submission. - Any plagiarized work will receive an “F” grade.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Drafting tools, graphic design and 3D sculpture materials will be announced at the beginning of the course.
  7. Practical application of the course
    1. Understanding the local identity of traditional architecture. 2. Ability to design and produce drawings. 3. Ability to design and manufacture two-dimensional and three-dimensional architectural objects. 4. Understand the connection between space and time or space and human experience and behavior. 5. Understanding of material properties and the ability to develop design elements. 6. Ability to transfer three-dimensional sculptures (architectures) into two-dimensional media.
  8. Reference