- Course Description
Introduction to all aspects to searching and documentary research from a library, inter-library and electronic information service system, and writing a research paper. A study of process of generating data and information for decision making; emphasis made on research design: exploratory, descriptive and causal; methodologies in measurement and scaling, sampling and field work; basic parametric and non-parametric techniques of data analysis.
Prerequisite: Probability & Statistics
- Course Objectives
The objective of this course includes -
# Understand research terminology
# perform literature reviews using print and online databases
# employ American Psychological Association (APA) formats for citations of print and electronic materials
#Be aware of the ethical principles of research, ethical challenges, and approval processes
#Describe quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approach to research
#Identify the components of a literature review process
#Critically analyze published research
# To develop understanding of the basic framework of research process.
# Define and develop a possible research interest area to be taken forward in their business research projects later.
# To conduct an independent publishable research project
- Teachnig Method
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
The students are expected to prepare well in advance from the relevant references assigned before attending the sessions to make the classroom activity more meaningful and fruitful. Each student is expected to possess a copy of the prescribed textbook. Throughout this course, the students are expected to demonstrate highest levels of involvement and commitment, in terms of efforts, quality of work, and conduct both at individual level and as groups. The potential of making learning interesting and effective lies primarily in the hands of the students and are expected to use the same for this course throughout the term. The course demands study efforts of at least 4 hours/week outside classroom. Preparation is mandatory for attending the classes.
- Practical application of the course
- Reference