1. Course Description
    This course introduces students to many of the basic principles of human behavior that effective managers use when managing individuals and groups in organizations. These include theories relating to individual differences in abilities and attitudes, attribution, personality, motivation, group dynamics, power and politics, leadership, conflict resolution, organizational culture, and organizational structure and design, organizational development and management of change within an international environment; effects of external environment on organizational behavior. Prerequisite: Priciples of Organizational Behavior
  2. Course Objectives
    At the end of the course, the students will be able to: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of organization behavior and its importance. Understand theories on motivating and controlling employees. Know the organizational process and culture. Explain the importance of groups and teams and contribution to organization
  3. Teachnig Method
    Final examination will be given and conducted offline. Students should participate in all practical exercises conducted both offline and online. Strict implementation of the KMU policy on attendance. Also, the attitude of the students will be observed. Students should at least have one consultation with the professor as part of the grades A team is formed among students and will be provided with a topic to report in the class. Students will conduct research and present results to a form of poster.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    The attendance of 15% is broken down into 10% attendance 5% counselled
  6. Requiments
    Implement the CQI recommendations
  7. Practical application of the course
    It is important for students to understand the behavior of the organization in order to become successful. In everyday lives there is a need to have a good interpersonal relationship with other people. The knowledge of this course will help students understand and how to present themselves in group and in individual challenges.
  8. Reference