- Course Description
세계화 시대에 부응하는 영어 교육자에게 필요한 영미 문화에 대한 이해를 도모하고 이와 관련된 영어 사용의 특징을 학습한다. 언어와 문화가 갖고 있는 밀접한 관계를 이해 함으로써 중등영어 교육에 필요한 영미 문화 지도 방법을 탐구하고 실습해본다.
- Course Objectives
After completing this class, students will demonstrate an understanding of:
• The three Ps of culture: products, practices, and perspectives.
• What the “Cultural Knowings Framework” is, and how it helps to understand our culture and the culture of others.
• Some of the ways in which culture and language are related.
• Global English and the ways in which English is used in Korea and around the world.
• Some cultural implications for the teaching of English in Korea.
- Teachnig Method
Standard rules regarding absences, late submissions, plagiarism, and cheating apply. These will be outlined in class.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
- Reference