- Course Description
영어 말하기 듣기지도의 이론과 실제를 학습한다. 말하기 듣기 지도의 방법을 학습하고 지도 방법을 계획하고 자료를 만들어 봄으로써 실질적인 교수학습을 경험할 수 있다. 더불어 한국에서의 영어교육이라는 특수성에 맡는 지도방법을 같이 연구 학습한다.
- Course Objectives
- To be able to apply theoretical concepts to designing listening and speaking activities
- To be able to modify textbook activities suitable for the different levels of students
- To familiarize with the useful listening and speaking using online tools
- To establish a repertoire of listening and speaking activities
- Teachnig Method
1. Lecture
2. Group work
3. Presentation
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Attendance: no points taken off for up to TWO absences, THREE tardiness will be considered as ONE absence
- 5-min Activity Presentation: a brief listening & speaking activity presentation at the beginning of the class
- Ungraded assignment: self-reflection and peer feedback should be submitted after demon lesson presentation
Lesson Plan:
- One full version of listening and speaking lesson plan
- Your lesson plan needs to show a logical flow of the lesson with proper teaching aids.
- The lesson should be based on the principles of communicative, learner-centered, interactive, and collaborative teaching.
Demo Lesson Presentation:
- Students (as a pair of a group) will present a demo lesson based on the lesson plan. The lesson can be listening, speaking or a combination of listening and speaking.
- The lesson should be taught in English using appropriate classroom English.
- The presentation time will be decided considering the number of students in class.
Mid-term & Final exam: Questions will be based on the chapters of the textbook. Sample questions will be provided prior to the test.
- Requiments
1. 영어교육론, 영어교수법 수업 수강
2. 영어수업연습 수업을 수강한 경우 도움이 되나 필수는 아님
3. 중,고등학교 영어교과서
- Practical application of the course
1. 기본이수과목으로 반드시 수강
2. 수업지도안 작성 및 수업실연을 위한 필수 교과목
3. 영어교재연구및지도법 이전에 반드시 이수해야 함
- Reference