1. Course Description
    영어 교사가 갖추어야 하는 영어문법의 심도 깊은 이해와 교수 방법을 학습한다. 영어교육현장에서 학습자가 공통점으로 경험하는 어려운 문법 사항을 같이 연구 분석하여 이를 위한 보다 효율적인 지도 방법을 연구 논의 제시한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Teaching grammar is a fundamental part of school education since if students cannot understand grammar, they will struggle to read, write or speak clearly. Spoken or written words lose much of their meaning and most of their value without good grammar. Grammar is a very important thing to get right, and teachers should take extra care to impart proper grammar to all their students. Unfortunately, grammar is often seen as a difficult and mind-numbing subject. But, this does not mean that learning grammar is boring. There are many interesting and efficient ways to teach grammar. This course will give you the opportunity to develop essential knowledge of teaching grammar and to study and practice a variety of teaching techniques which will help language learners study grammar in interesting and efficient ways.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Instructor-led lecture & discussion Student in-class discussion/activity Peer teaching Planning grammar activity
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    You will be able to understand and develop the essential knowledge of teaching grammar and have an opportunity to design and conduct a grammar lesson based on the principles.
  8. Reference