1. Course Description
    지구환경과학은 대기권, 수권, 생물권, 지각 등 방면으로 접근이 가능하지만, 본 과목에서는 지구환경변화가 수권, 특히 해양에 끼치는 영향에 대해서 초점을 맞춘다. 전반에서는 온난화나 이산화탄소배출의 증가가 해양환경에 끼치는 영향을 학습하고, 해수면상승, 해양사막화, 산호초의 백화, 해양산성화, 이산화탄소해양격리 등을 주제로도 학습 할 예정이다. 후반은 한반도의 기후에 영향을 미치는 다양한 종류의 기후변동 패턴에 대해서 배우는데, 예로 엘니뇨는 비교적으로 잘 알려진 현상이지만 엘리뇨가 태평양 적도영역에 발하는 수온·기압배치의 변동라는 것을 구체적으로 학습한다. 이것뿐만 아니라 인도양에서 관찰되는 dipole 현상, 극역 성층권까지 영향을 미치는 대기순환의 변동인 북극진동 등 한반도의 기후에 영향을 미치는 다양한 기후변동 패턴에 대해서 학습하게 된다.
  2. Course Objectives
    You will understand or get the following items at the end of this course,

    1. The global warming and its influence on the sea level.
    2. The oceanic acidification by increasing of CO2.
    3. The ocean sequestration as the possible method to solve the CO2 emission.
    4. The mechanism of ENSO.
    5. Various teleconnection patterns and Long-term climate change.
    6. The technical terms of environmental science field in English.
    7. The experience of short English presentation.
  3. Teachnig Method
    *Flow of lectures* 1. I check students' attendance. 2. At the beginning of a lecture, we will check the new words in the handout together. 3. I will give the review quizzes from the contents of the last lecture. The questions are shown on the screen, and students answer personally. 4. Main talk 5. Summary & announcement *True False quizzes* The True False quizzes are given once after five or six lecture times (10 questions/time, four times in the semester). The time limit is about 20 - 30 minutes. After you submit the answer sheet, we check the answer together in Korean. *Class contribution* I give points to the positive actions of students. 1. Telling meanings of new terms on the screen in 5 seconds. 2. Answering reviewing quizzes. 3. Answering the questions in English. 4. Asking something about the lecture. (visit my office / send an email, message, Kakao-talk) 5. Students who enrolled in this course from other colleges 6. No delay, No absence (except allowed absences by the university). *Summary videos* Since this course is given in English, some students may feel great difficulty following the classes. I will provide some summary videos in Korean for such students.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    This course will be held in English, and the distributed handouts are written in English also. You are suggested to check the contents and terms in the handout in advance.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students who attend this class will get the knowledge about the influence of climate changes on the ocean. At same time, you will learn the technical English in the environmental or oceanographic field through reading hand-outs, listening the lectures and answering quizzes. Especially, you will have chances to read some articles related with the contents of this lecture. It will be good training for the reading part of TOEIC.
  8. Reference