1. Course Description
    찬양과 예배의 의미를 성경을 통해 이해하고 실제 예배를 기획하고 준비하는 과목이며 실험 예배를 통해 본교의 창학정신인 기독교정신을 깨닫고 기독교 영성을 함양하는 과목이다
  2. Course Objectives
    The gain an understanding and appreciation for Christian worship and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  3. Teachnig Method
    * No sleeping * No texting, or browsing on your phone or computer
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Attendance: Students who miss more than 3 classes without excuse will get an F grade automatically; 3 times late coming to class is equal to one absence. Quizzes: 4 quizzes; each one will be based on the sermon (message) that day; no study required; the 3 highest scores will be counted; so, it is not a problem if you miss one quiz; we will use Socrative for the quizzes (www.socrative.com) Presentation: Students will sing a hymn or praise song (in pairs or threes); the schedule will be made in class
  6. Requiments
    A low-intermediate English level
  7. Practical application of the course
    Should improve the comprehension of the English language.
  8. Reference